Audios & Videos

Radio Interview

Jasmine was The Guest Speaker on Singapore Radio 938 Live with DJ Keith De Souza Breakfast Club in 2017. Jasmine was doing a live sharing on what are the 5 appreciative languages in the workplace, why is it important and how can we apply appreciative languages in the workplace to foster a motivated workforce and a performing organisation.

Enhance Employee Engagement through Workplace Appreciation

Endorsement video by Dr Paul White, Co-author of The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace Individuals in the workplace need to feel appreciated and valued so as to enhance employee motivation to do their best, increase their job satisfaction and employee engagement. As part of leadership and effective management, appreciative leadership will motivate and inspire your workforce so towards high performing teams that drive results and success.

How Authentic Appreciation Reduces Busyness – Interview with Jasmine Liew

Interviewing Dr Paul White by Appreciation at Work Premier Partner, Jasmine Liew As leaders and managers, we often said we are too busy to spend effort and time to appreciate our employees as we have several tasks to complete and results to achieve, how can busy people still appreciate their employees authentically?

Generational Differences in the Workplace in the US and Singapore

Find out more whether there are multi-generational differences in the Workplace between US and Singapore. Do the Millennials expect a different form of Leadership from their Gen X Supervisors? How can the Gen X Supervisors motivate their Millennial employees? How can the Millennials understand and appreciate their Gen X Supervisors too?

How Work Relationships Differ in Singapore

Interviewing Appreciation at Work Premier Partner, Jasmine Liew by Dr Paul White Understand how the working relationship between the Leaders and Employees in Singapore needs to go beyond the functional and transactional working relationship. By building an effective interpersonal working relationship through The 5 Languages of Appreciation a the Workplace, it will enhance the leaders and managers to deliver the organisational and business results together.

The power of Appreciation to enhance Employee Engagement

See Jasmine in Action as a Mandarin Speaker & Trainer 1st time in the world! – The 5 Languages of Appreciation to Enhance Employee Engagement at work was conducted in Mandarin for close to 100 leaders, managers and business owners who had attended the Largest Bilingual Conference 2018 organised by The  Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Organisations are facing budget, manpower & resources constraint coupled with overwhelming workload, 4th Industrial Revolution changes & challenges in the organisation. Connect with me on how the Organisation, leaders & HR can leverage on the benefits of appreciation languages to enhance employee engagement towards a performing, profitable & sustainable future? 人力资本转型:通过职场赞赏提升员工参与度 在职场中所有员工都渴望得到雇主或上司的赞赏。企业在重视员工的价值,通过表扬来激励员工把工作做得最好,提升工作的投入气氛和参与度,增加公司业绩。作为一名有效的领导者或管理者,赞赏式激励将能帮助建立高绩效团队,成功实现最佳成果。 工作坊让参会者深入了解除金钱奖励之外,中小和大企业如何善加利用赞赏的五种语言和激励团队的方法 来留住人才。 廖嘉薇女士 培训与发展总监 (突破组织学习与培训学院)

Keynote Speaker for e2i and Temasek Polytechnic Alumni Emotional Intelligence for Excellence – Engaging 120 professionals & leaders

See Jasmine in Action as she spoke about Emotional Intelligence Emotions form a cornerstone of whom we are and how we work with others. They can either be obstacles or opportunities for us to be positive and overcome work challenges. As “no man is an island”; we need to acquire emotional intelligence to achieve greater collaboration when working with others so that we can become more productive and effective.

Mastercoach Enteprise Coaching Program & Mastercoach App Premium Partners in Singapore

Jasmine Liew is one of the first Mastercoach Enteprise Coaching Program & Mastercoach App Premium Partners in Singapore. Mastercoach App is the world’s first action-based coaching app for growing people through employee performance and development. When the Leaders and Managers are Enterprise Coaches, they will increase the confidence, courage and creativity of their employees, team members and peers. As a result, Leaders, Managers and employees will be more entrepreneurial, innovative and effective in driving positive change in the organisation. Contact Jasmine Liew at   to equip your Leaders and Managers to be Enterprise Coaches and develop strengths-based and engagement-focused work cultures by having effective performance coaching and development conversations with their employees.