Communications & Interpersonal Relationship at work

Communications and Interpersonal Relationship at Work (1-day program)

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”, Nelson Mandala

The more we get together or the more we get separated. What make us together and what make us separated lies in our mindset and ability to understand, accept, adapt and appreciate the differences in our leaders, managers, staff and peers’ different personalities.

The differences in personalities result in different strengths and areas for improvement. It has impacted how we lead, manage, communicate, influence and make a decision. It also requires us to understand the different motivational needs, communication styles and how we can contribute to the team and organisation based on our diverse strengths and harness the diversity of collective wisdom, experience and teamwork.

To enhance your interpersonal working relationship with your peers, colleagues, staff and your superiors, you need to be an effective communicator who is able to articulate the thoughts clearly and the ability to influence. Master the key essential skills to enhance one’s communication and interpersonal relationship at work.

At the end of the program, participants will

  • Understand how to build Effective Interpersonal Relationship with people of diverse personalities
  • Identify the different types of Communications- Visual, Vocal and Verbal and be an effective communicator.
  • Understand the importance of active listening and empathetic listening
  • Know the barriers to active listening and how it affects effective communications
  • Able to ask effective and good quality of questions
  • Manage people issues, conflicts and challenges

** Prior to the program, participants will complete a DISC profiling.

Session 1: Enhance one’s self awareness and areas for growth

  • D.I.S.Cover one’s strengths, areas for growth, blind spots and potential
  • Unleash one’s performance, development and potential in the organisation and for the team

Session 2: Understand, Work alongside and Manage Diverse Team Members

  • D.I.S.Cover the individual and team members’ personalities, strengths and areas for improvement
  • Identity various motivation needs
  • Manage challenging people and situations
  • Leverage on team diversity, roles and strengths to achieve team contribution and performance

Session 3: Effective Communication and Interpersonal relationship

  • Identify the essential skills required for effective communication
  • Overcome the barriers to effective communication at the workplace
  • Enhance communication skills as a team leader and member
  • Ask effective and good quality of questions
  • Practice active listening and empathic listening
  • Apply empathy at work and build relationship

Session 4: Interpersonal relationship

  • Improve interpersonal working relationship
  • Build trust and open communication
  • Forge co-operation and collaboration in a team and work setting
  • Manage workplace disagreements and conflicts
  • Craft out a personal action plan on interpersonal relationship effectiveness
  • Understand and enter into the other’s party world view (Link to Emotional Intelligence profile)
  • Apply empathetic listening, verbal and non-verbal communication


  • Presentation
  • Exercises
  • Role play on real life examples which include participants actual situation at the workplace
  • Program include a DISC Profile to understand and better communicate and build effective working relationship with stakeholders of different personalities
  • Case studies
  • Discussion

For more effective learning and customisation, the program can be customised into 2 groups- Individual Contributors and Leaders/Managers